Today is the day that you polish your website.
A good website is carefully designed on paper first. Answer these questions in your composition book:
- Read pages 455-456. Who is your target audience? Invent some fictional users.
- What is your page about? Questions 1 and 2 are related; keep revisiting question 1 while answering question 2.
- Read page 461. What pages do you want to include in your website?
- Look for websites that have similar content to yours. What do you like? What do you dislike?
- Read page 463. Sketch out the wireframe of a sample page.
- Decide which web building tool you will use for your final project. HTML using Filezilla (not recommended)? Dreamweaver? WordPress? Schoolwires? If you have not completed session 7 about wordpress, please do that before coming to a decision. Mrs. P. recommends wordpress or schoolwires.
- Start working on it.
- Send Mrs. P. the url (either or
- Keep working on your page until it is PERFECT! Great work!