Well, it seems the hacking problem was caused by the Email Subscribers plugin… I tried to activate it twice and both times the website started freaking out…. I even updated the plug in version, and it still did the same thing… all the other plugins are up and running, and so far, so good… Thanks so much for your help today… it was a fun, educational day!
All posts by Ivy Way Science
D- to B
Amazed mom: “I heard you were amazing, but I didn’t realize the depths of the awesomeness that you possessed. My son’s AP Physics grade went from a D- to a B.”
99% on quiz
“Mrs. Pavlovich, I got a 99 on my last quiz! I think I’m starting to understand!”
Hard work
“My son got an 83 on the test!!!
Congrats to you as well as him for both of yours hard work!
He will see you tomorrow.”
Love working with students
Another testimonial from a parent: It’s obvious that you love working with your students, otherwise they wouldn’t keep returning! My daughter always returns from your sessions feeling good about what she learned. That says so much because the material is challenging for her, so your ability to help her make sense of it all must be commended. She’s so appreciative of your help because she really wants to do well. It can take her a bit longer to understand some of the concepts because she typically needs a little longer to process certain info. However, if given the opportunity, she can usually carry her own. Processing and retrieval has always been a challenge for her, but I believe that it has also cultivated her personally and made her a determined student smile emoticon
Thank you
P.S. Did I mention that she really enjoys working with you? She said that your sessions are very helpful and she very much appreciates your approach to help her understand the material! THANK YOU!!!
Yoga Wisdom
The Master can share the knowledge, but the experiences belong to the student. Therefore, we do not claim any result or achievement because the experience belongs to the individual student individually, his or her consciousness, and his or her power to practice.
Proud student
thanks to the tutor I got a 90 on my Physics quiz
B- to A
My son received his report card and moved up from last quarter’s ‘B-‘ to an ‘A’. He received a 94 as a final grade and a 94 on the Regents. Thanks again for your help. Enjoy the summer.
90 on the final
Wanted to let you know that my daughter received an A in Science for the quarter and a 90 on the final. Thank you very much for all your help! She enjoyed working with you.