All posts by Ivy Way Science

Chemistry and Physics tutoring for the motivated student.

Improved Test Scores!

“97% on my stoichiometry test! Thanks!” “95% on my bonding test. Up from a C+ in the 1st semester.” “A+ for the quarter! We got a strong start with you and won’t be scheduling more sessions as long as he is doing so well.” “100% on my last test! Thanks” “87% on my gas laws test. I’m feeling much more confident.” “80% on my momentum test! Up from C+ in the 2nd quarter!”

LOVING web camp

Just had to leave you a quick e-mail to let you know that my son is LOVING your camp!!!!!  He is enjoying every minute of it and is learning so much from you.  Please let us know if you are going to be running any other programs over the summer… could count him (and most likely his friends) in!!!!  They are all having a blast!!!